5 Volt Reference 1 |
5 Volt Reference 2 |
A/C Clutch |
A/C Clutch Relay |
A/C Condensor Fan |
A/C High Side Pressure |
A/C High Side Pressure |
A/C Pressure |
A/C Pressure - Volts |
A/C Pressure - mV |
A/C Request |
APP Indicated Angle |
APP Sensor 1 |
APP Sensor 1 Indicated |
APP Sensor 2 |
APP Sensor 2 Indicated |
APP Sensors |
Absolute Throttle Position |
Accelerator Pedal Position 1 |
Accelerator Pedal Position 1 - Volts |
Accelerator Pedal Position 1 Range Failure Counter |
Accelerator Pedal Position 1-2 Corr. Failure Counter |
Accelerator Pedal Position 1-3 Corr. Failure Counter |
Accelerator Pedal Position 2 |
Accelerator Pedal Position 2 - Volts |
Accelerator Pedal Position 2 Range Failure Counter |
Accelerator Pedal Position 2-3 Corr. Failure Counter |
Accelerator Pedal Position 3 |
Accelerator Pedal Position 3 - Volts |
Accelerator Pedal Position Average |
Accelerator Pedal Position Indicated Angle |
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 1 - Volts |
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 1 Indicated Position |
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 2 - Volts |
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 2 Indicated Position |
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensors |
Acelerator Pedal Position 3 Range Failure Counter |
Actual EGR Position |
Actual Fuel Pressure |
Actual Low Fuel Pressure |
Adaptive Knock Retard |
Air / Fuel Ratio |
Air Flow Calculated |
Air Flow Rate From MAF |
Air Fuel Ratio |
Air Indicated Pressure |
Air Pressure |
Air Pressure - Volts |
Air Pressure Sensor |
Air Pressure Sensor Variance |
Airflow Deviation |
Ambient Air Temperature |
Bank 1 Fuel System Status |
Bank 1 Long Term Fuel Trim |
Bank 1 O2 Sensor Loop |
Bank 1 O2S Ready |
Bank 1 Sensor 1 O22 |
Bank 1 Sensor 1 O2S |
Bank 1 Sensor 1 Status |
Bank 1 Sensor 2 O22 |
Bank 1 Sensor 2 O2S |
Bank 1 Short Term Fuel Trim |
Bank 2 Fuel System Status |
Bank 2 Long Term Fuel Trim |
Bank 2 O2 Sensor Loop |
Bank 2 O2S Ready |
Bank 2 Sensor 1 O22 |
Bank 2 Sensor 1 O2S |
Bank 2 Sensor 1 Status |
Bank 2 Sensor 2 O22 |
Bank 2 Sensor 2 O2S |
Bank 2 Short Term Fuel Trim |
Barometric Pressure |
Base PWM Cylinder 1 |
Base PWM Cylinder 2 |
Base PWM Cylinder 3 |
Base PWM Cylinder 4 |
Brake Booster Pressure |
Brake Lamp Failure Counter |
Brake Light Switch |
Brake Status |
Brake Switch |
CCP / Evap Solenoid PWM |
CKP Active Counter |
CKP Resync Counter |
CKP Sensor |
CMP Active Counter |
CMP Command |
CMP Resync Counter |
CMP Retard |
CMP Sensor |
CMP Sensor - High to Low |
CMP Sensor - Low to High |
CO - Volts |
CPP Learned Apply Position |
CPP Learned Release Position |
CPP Sensor |
CPP Sensor - Volts |
Calc Air Flow |
Calc TWC Temperature |
Calc TWC Temperature Bank 1 |
Calc TWC Temperature Bank 2 |
Calc. Converter Temp. |
Calculated Air Flow |
Calculated Air Flow Speed Density |
Calculated Catalyst Temperature |
Calculated Load Value |
Calculated TWC Temperature Bank 1 |
Calculated TWC Temperature Bank 2 |
Cam Engine Speed Activity |
Cam Phase Angle Actual |
Cam Phase Angle Desired |
Cam Phase Angle Variance |
Camshaft Activity |
Camshaft Phase Solenoid |
Catalyst Monitor Test Counter |
Catalyst Protection Mode |
Catalytic Converter Temperature |
Clutch Switch |
Cmmd A-F Equivalence Ratio |
Cooling Fan Command |
Cooling Fan Motor Command |
Cruise Acceleration Adaptation |
Cruise Active Lamp |
Cruise Brake Status |
Cruise Calculated Speed |
Cruise Cancel Sw. Noise Failure Counter |
Cruise Cancel Switch |
Cruise Desired Speed |
Cruise Enabled Lamp |
Cruise Main Lamp |
Cruise Main Switch |
Cruise Resume Sw. Noise Failure Counter |
Cruise Resume Switch |
Cruise Set Lamp |
Cruise Set Sw. Noise Failure Counter |
Cruise Set Switch |
Cruise Shift Down Request |
Cruise Speed Derivation Difference |
Cruise Speed Failure |
Cruise Switch Noise Failure Counter |
Current Gear |
Cycles of Misfire Data |
Cyl. Deactivation Cycle |
Cylinder Deactivation Cycle |
Deceleration Fuel Cutoff |
Delivered BPW Cylinder 1 |
Delivered BPW Cylinder 2 |
Desired EGR Position |
Desired Exh. CMP |
Desired Fan Speed |
Desired Fuel Pressure |
Desired IAC Airflow |
Desired IAC Position |
Desired Idle |
Desired Idle Speed |
Desired Linear EGR Position |
Desired Low Fuel Pressure |
Desired Throttle Position |
Distance Since DTC Cleared |
Distance With Cylinder Activated |
Distance With Cylinder Deactivated |
Distance with Cyl. Activated |
Distance with Cyl. Deactivated |
Drop Out Code 0 |
Drop Out Code 1 |
Drop Out Code 2 |
Drop Out Code 3 |
Drop Out Code 4 |
Drop Out Code 5 |
Drop Out Code 6 |
Drop Out Code 7 |
EC Ignition Relay Feedback |
ECT Sensor |
EGR Closed Pintle Position |
EGR Decel Filter |
EGR Delta MAP Calc. |
EGR Duty Cycle |
EGR Feedback |
EGR Flow Test Count |
EGR Normalized |
EGR Sensor |
EGR Trip Sample Count Decel Test |
ESC Noise Channel |
ETC Act. High Voltage Failure Counter |
ETC Act. Low Voltage Failure Counter |
ETC Act. Signal Circuit A |
ETC Act. Signal Circuit B |
EVAP Canister Purge |
EVAP Duty Cycle |
EVAP Large Leak |
EVAP Purge Solenoid |
EVAP Purge Solenoid Command |
EVAP Purge Solenoid PWM |
EVAP Small Leak |
EVAP Tank Vacuum Filtered |
EVAP Vent Solenoid |
EVAP Vent Valve |
EVAP Very Small Leak |
Engine Coolant Temperature |
Engine Coolant Temperature - Volts |
Engine Load |
Engine Odometer |
Engine Off Time |
Engine Oil Life Remaining |
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor |
Engine Oil Temperature |
Engine Run Time |
Engine Speed |
Engine Torque |
Exh CMP Active Counter |
Exh CMP Angle |
Exh CMP Command |
Exh CMP Variance |
Fan Speed |
Fan Speed |
Fuel Level |
Fuel Level - Volts |
Fuel Level - Volumn |
Fuel Level Rear Tank - Volts |
Fuel Level Sensor |
Fuel Level Sensor Left Tank - Volts |
Fuel Level Sensor Right Tank - Volts |
Fuel Pressure - Volts |
Fuel Pressure Regulator Duty Cycle |
Fuel Pump |
Fuel Pump Relay |
Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor |
Fuel System Status |
Fuel Tank Level Remaining |
Fuel Tank Level Remaining - Percentage |
Fuel Tank Pressure |
Fuel Tank Pressure - Volts |
Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor |
Fuel Tank Rated Capacity |
Fuel Tank Vacuum Pressure |
Fuel Trim Cell |
Fuel Trim Cell Bank 1 |
Fuel Trim Cell Bank 2 |
Fuel Trim Index |
Fuel Trim Learned |
GEN F-Terminal Signal |
GEN L-Terminal Signal |
Gen F-Terminal Signal |
HO2S 1 |
HO2S 1 Heater |
HO2S 1 Heater Command |
HO2S 1 Heater Current |
HO2S 2 |
HO2S 2 Heater |
HO2S 2 Heater Command |
HO2S 2 Heater Current |
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 1 |
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 1 |
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 1 Heater |
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 1 Heater Command |
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 2 |
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 2 Heater |
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 2 Heater Command |
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 3 |
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 1 |
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 1 |
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 1 Heater |
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 1 Heater Command |
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 2 |
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 2 Heater |
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 2 Heater Command |
HO2S Heater Bank 1 Sensor 1 |
HO2S Heater Bank 1 Sensor 2 |
HO2S Heater Bank 2 Sensor 1 |
HO2S Heater Bank 2 Sensor 2 |
HO2S XCounts Bank 1 |
HO2S XCounts Bank 2 |
High Fan Commanded |
IAC Base Position |
IAC Position |
IAT Sensor |
Idle Air Control |
Idle Air Control Motor Position |
Idle Speed Error |
Idle Speed Variation |
Idle Switch |
Ignition 1 SIgnal |
Ignition 1 Signal |
Ignition Off Time |
Ignition Switch |
Ignition Voltage |
Illumination Switch |
Immobiliser Function Programmed |
Immobiliser System |
Injection Pulse Bank 1 |
Injection Pulse Bank 2 |
Injector 1 Command |
Injector 2 Command |
Injector 3 Command |
Injector 4 Command |
Injector 5 Command |
Injector 6 Command |
Injector PWM |
Injector PWM Average Bank 1 |
Injector PWM Average Bank 2 |
Injector PWM Bank 1 |
Injector PWM Bank 1 Average |
Injector PWM Bank 2 |
Injector PWM Bank 2 Average |
Intake Air Temperature |
Intake Air Temperature - Volts |
Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure |
Intake Manifold Pressure |
KS Active Counter |
KS Noise Channel |
Knock Counter |
Knock Present |
Knock Retard |
Knock Sensor |
Knock Sensor |
Knock Sensor 1 |
Knock Sensor 2 |
Knock Sensor Active Counter |
Knock Sensor Activity |
Knock Sensor Adjust Factor |
Knock Sensor Noise Channel |
Knock Signal |
Lean/Rich Average Time |
Lean/Rich Transition |
Linear EGR Feedback |
Linear EGR Normalized |
Long Term Fuel Trim |
Long Term Fuel Trim - Bank 1 |
Long Term Fuel Trim - Bank 2 |
Long Term Fuel Trim Average Bank 1 |
Long Term Fuel Trim Average Bank 2 |
Long Term Fuel Trim Bank 1 |
Long Term Fuel Trim Bank 2 |
Long Term Fuel Trim Test Average |
Long Term Fuel Trim Test Average Bank 1 |
Long Term Fuel Trim Test Average Bank 1 w/o Purge |
Long Term Fuel Trim Test Average Bank 2 |
Long Term Fuel Trim Test Average Bank 2 w/o Purge |
Long Term Fuel Trim Test Average w/o Purge |
Low Fan Commanded |
Low Fuel Lamp |
Low Fuel Pressure Regulator Duty Cycle |
Low Octane Spark Module |
MAF Sensor |
MAP Sensor |
Main Relay |
Malfunction Indicator Lamp |
Manifold Absolute Pressure |
Manifold Absolute Pressure - Volts |
Manifold Air Pressure |
Manifold Air Pressure - Volts |
Mass Air Flow |
Mass Air Flow - Frequency |
Mass Air Flow - Volts |
Mass Air Flow Sensor |
Medium Resolution Resync Counter |
Mileage Since DTC Clear |
Misfire Current 1 |
Misfire Current 2 |
Misfire Current 3 |
Misfire Current 4 |
Misfire Current 5 |
Misfire Current 6 |
Misfire Current Cylinder 1 |
Misfire Current Cylinder 1 - 1000 Rev |
Misfire Current Cylinder 1 - 200 Rev |
Misfire Current Cylinder 2 |
Misfire Current Cylinder 2 - 1000 Rev |
Misfire Current Cylinder 2 - 200 Rev |
Misfire Current Cylinder 3 |
Misfire Current Cylinder 3 - 1000 Rev |
Misfire Current Cylinder 3 - 200 Rev |
Misfire Current Cylinder 4 |
Misfire Current Cylinder 4 - 1000 Rev |
Misfire Current Cylinder 4 - 200 Rev |
Misfire Current Cylinder 5 |
Misfire Current Cylinder 5 - 1000 Rev |
Misfire Current Cylinder 5 - 200 Rev |
Misfire Current Cylinder 6 |
Misfire Current Cylinder 6 - 1000 Rev |
Misfire Current Cylinder 6 - 200 Rev |
Misfire Current Cylinder 7 |
Misfire Current Cylinder 8 |
Misfire Failure Since First Fail |
Misfire Failures Since First Fail |
Misfire HIstory Cylinder 1 |
Misfire HIstory Cylinder 2 |
Misfire HIstory Cylinder 3 |
Misfire HIstory Cylinder 4 |
Misfire HIstory Cylinder 5 |
Misfire HIstory Cylinder 6 |
Misfire HIstory Cylinder 7 |
Misfire HIstory Cylinder 8 |
Misfire History 1 |
Misfire History 2 |
Misfire History 3 |
Misfire History 4 |
Misfire History 5 |
Misfire History 6 |
Misfire History Cylinder 1 |
Misfire History Cylinder 2 |
Misfire History Cylinder 3 |
Misfire History Cylinder 4 |
Misfire History Cylinder 5 |
Misfire History Cylinder 6 |
Misfire History Cylinder 7 |
Misfire History Cylinder 8 |
Misfire Passes Since First Fail |
Misfire Per Cycle Status |
No. of Catalyst Mon. Test Completed |
Non-Driven Wheel Speed |
Number of Trouble Codes |
O2 Heater Time To Activity Bank 1 Sensor 1 |
O2 Heater Time To Activity Bank 1 Sensor 2 |
O2 Heater Time To Activity Bank 1 Sensor 3 |
O2 Heater Time To Activity Bank 2 Sensor 1 |
O2 Heater Time To Activity Bank 2 Sensor 2 |
O2S 1 |
Odometer |
Open/Closed Loop |
Output Shaft Speed |
Output Shaft Speed Sensor |
Park / Neutral Position |
Park/Neutral Position |
Power Enrichment |
Power Steering Pressure Switch |
Purge Learned Memory |
Rear Window Defogger Relay |
Rear Window Defogger Switch |
Reduced Power Lamp |
Reference Voltage |
Reference Voltage 1 Signal |
Reference Voltage 2 Signal |
Rich/Lean Average Time |
Rich/Lean Transition |
Rich/Lean to Lean/Rich |
Security Code |
Security Code Status |
Security Wait Time |
Selector Position |
Service Vehicle Soon Lamp |
Short Term Fuel Trim |
Short Term Fuel Trim - Bank 1 |
Short Term Fuel Trim - Bank 2 |
Short Term Fuel Trim Average Bank 1 |
Short Term Fuel Trim Average Bank 2 |
Short Term Fuel Trim Bank |
Short Term Fuel Trim Bank 1 |
Short Term Fuel Trim Bank 2 |
Short Term Fuel Trim Test Average |
Short Term Fuel Trim Test Average Bank 1 |
Short Term Fuel Trim Test Average Bank 2 |
Spark |
Spark |
Spark Advance |
Start Up ECT |
Start Up IAT |
Starter Relay |
Starter Switch |
TAC Motor Command |
TB Idle Airflow Compensation |
TCC Cruise Brake Switch |
TCC Duty Cycle |
TCC Engaged |
TCC Slip Speed |
TCS Torque Delivered Signal |
TCS Torque Request Signal |
TFT Sensor |
TP Desired Angle |
TP Indicated Angle |
TP Sensor 1 |
TP Sensor 1 Indicated Position |
TP Sensor 2 |
TP Sensor 2 Indicated Position |
TPS 1 Displacement |
TPS 1 Learned Minimum |
TPS 1 Range Fail Counter |
TPS 1-2 Corr. Failure Counter |
TPS 2 Displacement |
TPS 2 Learned Minimum |
TPS 2 Range Fail Counter |
TWC Temperature Calculated |
Throttle Deviation |
Throttle Position |
Throttle Position - Volts |
Throttle Position 1 |
Throttle Position 1 - Volts |
Throttle Position 2 |
Throttle Position 2 - Volts |
Throttle Position Angle |
Throttle Position Desired Angle |
Throttle Position Indicated Angle |
Throttle Position Sensor 1 - Volts |
Throttle Position Sensor 1 Indicated Position |
Throttle Position Sensor 1 Learned Minimum |
Throttle Position Sensor 2 Indicated Position |
Throttle Position Sensor 2 - Volts |
Throttle Position Sensor 2 Learned Minimum |
Time From Start |
Torque Delivered Signal |
Torque Management Spark |
Torque Request Signal |
Total Knock Retard |
Total Misfire |
Total Misfire |
Total Misfire - 1000 Rev |
Total Misfire - 200 Rev |
Total Misfire Current Count |
Total Misfire Failures Since First Fail |
Total Misfire Passes Since First Pass |
Trans Output Speed Signal |
Transfer Case OSS |
Transfer Case Ratio |
Transmission Check Light |
Upshift Lamp |
VIM Solenoid |
VVT Actual Timing - Bank 1 |
VVT Actual Timing - Bank 2 |
VVT Desired Timing |
VVT Difference from Desired Timing - Bank 1 |
VVT Difference from Desired Timing - Bank 2 |
VVT Learned Zero Position - Bank 1 |
VVT Learned Zero Position - Bank 2 |
VVT Oil Control Valve Duty Cycle - Bank 1 |
VVT Oil Control Valve Duty Cycle - Bank 2 |
Vacuum Calculated |
Vehicle Speed |
Vehicle Speed |
Vehicle Speed Sensor |
Vehicle Theft Deterrent |
Warm-ups Since DTC Cleared |
Warm-ups w/o Emission Faults |
Warm-ups w/o Non-Emission Faults |
Warmups Since DTC Cleared |
Warmups w/o Emission Faults |
Warmups w/o Non-Emission Faults |
Weak Cylinder |